Fine Payment: Checking and paying fines in Poland

The Fine Payment app is an application for drivers that allows them to feel more confident behind the wheel. In the app, you can check and pay fines, pay for toll roads, and parking.

What I was doing on the project

  • Designing a new application from scratch

  • Competitor analysis


The Opłata Mandatów project was aimed at creating a solution for the convenient checking and payment of fines in Poland. We designed an interface that allowed users to easily find out about fines and quickly pay them through the application. By the time the design was completed, the project was fully ready for development. However, with the onset of COVID-19, as well as changes in the political situation in Poland and the abandonment of the previous digital agenda, the project was put on hold.

Nevertheless, this experience proved valuable, as it allowed me to refine my skills in mobile application design and partner interaction.

Flow of the application

First, we determine the user's geolocation. If it is not determined correctly automatically, we can choose another.

Главный экран приложения

The main screen contains everything a driver needs. Payment of fines, payment by decree, payment for toll roads, payment for parking, and car insurance registration.

The screen of new fines and fine details

The user can view new and already paid fines. See where, what, and when they violated. They can also check their fine points. The fewer points left, the closer they are to losing their driving license.

Payment of fines

Adding a new document

Payment for parking

Payment for toll roads