Штрафы ПДД – это приложение для водителей которое позволяет чувствовать себя увереннее за рулем. В приложении можно проверить и оплатить штрафы, оформить ОСАГО, КАСКО и воспользоваться многими другими сервисами.

What I was doing on the project

  • Designing new functionality in the application

  • Competitor analysis

  • Creating and maintaining a design system

  • Preparing materials for ASO

  • Communication with developers

  • Preparing design layouts for development

  • Reviewing developed layouts

  • Establishing the design process

  • Conducting research


  • Designed the layout for more than 5 new features

  • Compiled a design system for the mobile application

Флоу приложения

Upon the first entry into the application, the user is greeted with a screen where they need to add their documents: Car number and STS number, and in the next step – driver's license number. Checks are performed independently.

The process of checking and paying fines

The case if no new fines are found.

And now, if it was possible to find new fines.

Now you can also go into the details of the fine and see where and what you violated.

Now you can also go into the details of the fine and see where and what you violated.

The main screen of the app

Place of power

Insurance registration


Traffic rules


The application is available in stores